Giving athletes the edge they need


 Olson Curling

For over 7 decades Olson Curling has been servicing customers across Canada and around the world, returning their loyalty with continued innovation. 

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Looking to heighten the game of their customers, Olson approached us to design a new head for their upcoming line of curling brooms. Our goal was to improve the performance of athletes while also enhancing their experience with the product, creating a positive relationship with their equipment.



Through research, hands-on testing and competition analyses we worked to understand all aspects of the product and identify opportunities for innovation. Using advanced CAD modelling and 3D printing we were able to rapidly design and user-test physical prototypes, incorporating feedback to develop a final design direction.

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Final Product

Our work culminated in the PYRO broom, equipment that combines lightweight and high-performing design with the ability to customize for the casual or professional curler.

PYRO is the first broom head to incorporate carbon fibre through the use of a unique interchangeable insert. This lightweight insert provides better rigidity to resist torsion and improve the performance of competition level athletes while being easily exchanged for a variety of coloured plastic options for the casual curler. 

The new PYRO line of curling brooms has helped Olson Curling stand apart from the competition in both performance and aesthetics. The instantly recognizable design has helped position them as a leader in the curling industry for years to come. 

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Looking to take your game to the next level? Visit our friends at Olson Curling!